Job Opening:

St. Barnabas is seeking a part-time Music Director to lead our music ministry.




At St Barnabas children of all ages are always welcome to worship with our congregation in both services. There are ‘Busy Baskets’ with soft toys and books on the north side of the sanctuary where there is a blue rug offered as a so
place for little ones to move around and play. Additionally, Worship Boxes are provided and include a variety of ways to engage with the service, sometimes just by keeping small hands busy.

There are also opportunities for children to participate in and lead worship, including the Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) pancake supper and liturgy, Palm Sunday and Easter, the Blessing of the Backpacks, the St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals, and more. Our confident readers are invited to read the scriptures during worship services as well.


Godly Play is for preschool through early elementary school children (ages 4 - 9) during the Liturgy of the Word (the first part of the service, which includes readings and the sermon). Children return to worship at the exchange of The Peace, before communion. Godly Play is offered during the school year and meets on the first and third Sundays of the month.


Middle School & High School

St. Barnabas Youth are encouraged to participate and lead in a variety of ways: by serving at the altar as acolytes and readers, by serving the younger children in the Godly Play classroom, and by joining their peers at twice monthly meetings, the first and third Sundays of the month at 11:00 a.m. They also engage in social gatherings, service projects, and retreats sponsored by the diocese each fall and spring. The Middle School Youth and High School youth each engage in their own age appropriate studies.

St. Barnabas Youth participate each summer in service learning and travel throughout collaboration with YES (Young Episcopalians in Service); a multi-parish ministry of the Episcopal Church in Colorado.


Adult Forum

The Barnabas Forum is a self-guided, free-ranging spiritual inquiry roundtable (usually without the table) that plumbs the big questions of 21st century Christian life at the intersection of faith, culture, and knowledge. Our goal is to learn together and share personal perspectives in safe, respectful dialogue that stimulates growth in our spiritual evolution. We meet on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Grant Hall.

Bible Study

Covenant: a Study of the Entire Bible

This study meets every Tuesday at 9:30-11:00 and is led by Patti Walter, Pastoral Associate, Jody Will, and Jana Everett. The first of a three part series begins on September 26th and concludes on November 14th. The curriculum entitled "Covenant" is a study of the whole Bible and emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant (the faithfulness of God's love toward us) as a unifying pattern through all the books of the Old and New Testaments. The study includes discussion, a video presentation by biblical scholars, and small group interaction. Participants are welcome to join at any point in the study. If you'd like to sign up or have questions, contact Patti Walter, Pastoral Associate.

Lectionary Study

Each Wednesday at 10:00 am, a group meets in the chapel to study the Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. The Lectionary is a three-year cycle of scripture readings assigned for each Sunday of the church year. The study takes place in the context of a service of Holy Eucharist and is led by whoever is the assigned preacher for the coming Sunday. The group studies the original context of the scripture texts, parses out the themes of the texts, and discusses ways the text can be applied to contemporary life. In this way, the group aids the preacher in their sermon preparation for the coming Sunday.

The Benedictine Way

The Benedictine Way is a group of men and women who seek to order their spiritual lives after the Rule of St. Benedict, a sixth century monk who founded a monastic order based on prayer, work, and service. Members of The Benedictine Way meet on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6:00-8:00 pm to share a meal, study and discuss an aspect of! following in the Benedictine way, and pray together, The monthly meetings are in the homes of various members of the group. All are welcome!


St. Barnabas’ Family Ministry is committed to supporting the spiritual, personal, and communal growth of all families through programs, pastoral care, offerings such as parent classes and gatherings, book studies, discussions and more. Newcomers are always welcome and encouraged. If you’d like an introduction or have a pastoral care need for yourself or your child or youth, please contact Patti Walter, Pastoral Associate.

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